Goodbye Salt, Goodbye Scale

Unlike salt softeners, Cascadian produces no waste water and does not pollute your environment with salt.

Devin holding our ICS systems, easy to use, compact and eco-friendly salt free softening

integrated Cartridge solutions

Cascadian Integrated Cartridge Solutions feature a powerful combination of
premium carbon, specialized filtering materials, and our proprietary softening media PolyHalt®, each NSF certified for your safety. ICS ensures clean,
refreshing, and healthy water in a
convenient and space-saving package.

Manufactured in
Cle Elum, Wa.

Enjoy always-in-stock products, same day shipping, friendly customer service, and seamless online ordering


Unlike salt softeners Cascadian systems produces no waste water and does not pollute your enviroment


We're a family-owned operation with 30 years expierence. We're tinkerers; we've experimented with every different filtration method know to man.

Our Technology

  • PolyHalt®

    Only found in our systems, we manufactured PolyHalt® to soften your water without salt or aggressive chemicals. This means no heavy salt bags or waste water.

  • Sediment filtration

    Our water softener systems utilize precise sediment filtration to remove dirt, sand, and other particles, ensuring cleaner and great tasting water.

  • activated carbon

    We use the finest carbon to clairify your drinking water, removing chlorine, Volatile Organic Compounds and any off odor, you enjoy mountain fresh tasting water.

Visit us at Booth W2283

Stop by our booth to Meet Gabe and Devin Ergler, and learn how we make water treatment Pure & Simple for Plumbers and Homeowners alike.